Enhancing interprofessional collaboration in occupational healthcare through interprofessional learning

Development and evaluation of interprofessional education and case-based discussion for occupational physicians, insurance physicians, and labor experts.

Elmi Zwaan MSc, Nina Zipfel PhD, Shirley Oomens PhD, Sylvia van der Burg-Vermeulen MD PhD.

Background and goal

In occupational health in the Netherlands, occupational physicians, insurance physicians, and labor experts focus mostly on their own roles and responsibilities regarding reintegration support and sick leave assessment of sick workers. The reintegration process can be improved by enhancing collaboration and communication between involved professionals. This research project, ‘Project Interprofessional Learning’, (Project IPL) aims to achieve to improve interprofessional collaboration through interprofessional learning. Interprofessional education offers professionals a way to get to know each other and learn about each other’s roles, visions, tasks, and methods.


Project IPL develops three interprofessional learning activities for occupational physicians, insurance physicians, and labor experts: two interprofessional trainings and a method for interprofessional case-based discussion.


More information?

Please contact Elmi Zwaan: e.zwaan1@amsterdamumc.nl
Check our website: www.ipl-arbeidengezondheid.nl
Or follow us on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/ipl-arbeid-gezondheid


E-mailadres: e.zwaan1@amsterdamumc.nl
Up date: 17-4-2024

Elmi Zwaan (schilproj.Syl.vdBurg)

E. (Elmi) Zwaan, MSc

Researcher Public & Occupational Health, Amsterdam UMC (AUMC)